We aim to create an inspirational community of learning rooted in Christian values, providing outstanding educational opportunities and experiences for all students regardless of age, ethnicity, ability and background. We combine our ambitions for students'
outstanding academic attainment with an emphasis upon their personal growth as individuals, citizens and active learners.
We are inspired by the Biblical account of the encounter between Jesus and Zacchaeus, to build a community and provide an education which enables all students to thrive and reach their full potential. This is done so that our community then has a positive impact on the world motivated by our foundational Bible passage:
Do justice, love kindness, walk humbly with your God - Micah 6v8
What makes Wren Academy distinctive?
We have clear and high expectations for the personal development of our students and aspire for all to achieve the following:
- Have a keen understanding of moral issues and recognise the difference between right and wrong. Wren students will be supported in speaking up for what is right.
- Be aware of their own spirituality and the importance of spirituality to personal happiness and fulfilment.
- Know that they are valued, confident and secure as members of the Academy community.
- Feel that their individual gifts are recognised and celebrated.
- To succeed in whatever areas they possess talent and a desire to achieve.
- Make as much academic progress as they are capable of and achieve as highly as they can.
- Be unique individuals, willing to express themselves with humility.
- Have a broad cultural, scientific and historical awareness.
- Be active, constructive and resourceful young citizens.
- Be creative thinkers, capable of taking risks in their learning and of studying independently.
- Be responsible, considerate towards others and always behave impeccably.
- Be articulate, socially adept and confident in conversation.
- Be environmentally aware and knowledgeable global citizens.
- To have a keen sense of justice which prompts them to make a difference to the marginalised and dispossessed
- Have a commitment to equality and inclusivity and to embrace diversity.
- Appreciate and learn from the experience of belonging to an active and celebratory Christian community.
Some other key attributes of the Academy:
- Wren is an Academy (an independent school funded by the government), with two sponsors, the London Diocesan Board for Schools and Berkhamsted School.
- Wren is co-educational, but the core subjects of English, Maths and Science are taught in single-sex classes.
- Wren's specialism, Design and the Built Environment, permeates the curriculum and wider Academy life.
- Teachers are provided with outstanding professional development on a weekly basis, which is incorporated into the Academy day.
- Wren bases its approach to teaching and learning around the Building Learning Power philosophy. This means that we seek to give students the skills and learning dispositions which will serve them well throughout their school careers and then their lives beyond the Academy.
- A longer school day on Tuesday and Wednesday accommodates enrichment activities such as sports, debating, Art, performance classes, community service or academic extension work.
- At Wren, everything that students experience is seen as part of their wider learning experience. We believe that learning does not just happen in lessons.
Our Christian Vision
The daily life of the Academy presents opportunities for students to learn about Christian beliefs and engage in acts of worship, under the guidance of staff. There is a chapel for prayer, services and quiet reflection. We have a close relationship with local clergy. All students, be they Christian, of other faiths or none, will be expected to attend events which celebrate our Christian vision.
The values and vision which grow from our Christian ethos have helped Wren create a positive and inclusive atmosphere, in which students and their families are welcomed. We find that having many different faiths in a school and taking faith issues seriously, generates understanding, tolerance and mutual respect in young people.
Wren Academy is a place in which all young people develop moral and spiritual values which will help them become active, thoughtful and considerate citizens.