Friends of Wren Enfield

We are a friendly group of school parents who take an active role in raising funds to support the school and our children. The FoWE is also a registered charity and we have been busy since the school started in 2020.
Last year saw us raise nearly £18,000 from a variety of exciting events including: Christmas Raffle, Sponsored Challenge Event, Family Quiz Night, termly Doughnut Sales and a Summer BBQ.
FoWE are also active at the various school based events including Carol Service, Parents Consultations and Concert evenings; selling refreshments and some tasty home baked goods, and building our community with staff and parents. We even managed to win the ParentKind “New PTA of the Year” in 2022!
We would love you to support FoWE in any of the following ways:
- Join our parents community on Classlist, a free, safe, and secure online community for the school where you can post questions and message other parents in your child’s class or year group. It will be useful to get up to date communications and tickets for our events, and get to meet the parents in your child’s class and year group. You have full control over your privacy settings and can also join and use Classlist without sharing your contact details. If you prefer not to join, please do not worry, you will still receive notification of our events from the school and can purchase our tickets via the school’s communications.
- Start raising money for Wren Enfield while you shop online or via match funding, if you work for any of these companies, or event sponsorship if you have a local business who would like to sponsor any of our events.
- Join the team to share ideas and give as much or little time as you have to support and help out at our events. We meet every half term either in person or on Zoom to discuss fundraising and events, and at other times for socials.
- Come to our events! None will be a success without the full support of the parent body.