Collective Worship

Collective Worship


Wren is a Church of England Academy sponsored by the London Diocesan Board for Schools and by Berkhamsted School.  Our Sixth Form will be based on the same inclusive Christian principles that underpin the experiences of students and staff throughout Wren Academy.

In Wren Sixth Form, students from all religious, cultural and social backgrounds will be encouraged to consider moral and spiritual values and their impact on creating a better society.  While we will approach theseChaplain issues from a distinctly Christian perspective, we will also recognise and celebrate the diverse perspectives of our student community.

Religious Education will be incorporated into our enrichment program.  Students will learn about Christianity, other faiths and broader moral themes by questioning and challenging the role religion plays in society.

Sixth Form students will also engage in regular acts of worship.  This will give them the opportunity to prepare and present collective worship, share their beliefs and values and take an active role in fostering Wren's inclusive atmosphere.

Our sixth formers will serve as role models for younger students.  Many will inspire those in the lower years by volunteering and mentoring younger students.